I have officially entered back into the single and sometimes dating world. It's funny, I fear this world each time I initially enter back into it. However, I quickly remember the fun, freedom, and self realization that comes with it. Truth is, I get to enjoy little moments on my own. I can sit in the quiet, watch tv, drink a glass of wine and just... Be. My schedule is my own. I eat when I want, workout when I want, sleep when I want. Glorious.
The interesting part comes with dating. The best part is I get to flirt... shamelessly. I don't have to watch what I say out of respect for a significant other. These experiences can be charming, embarrassing, comical and lovely. And I'm going to start sharing a few. This will be fun.
And to start off... An awkward lunch date.
I ended up on a blind date with a firefighter. A very handsome firefighter. Normally this guy is my ideal. And here is proof that initial physical attraction can die quick. We had lunch at farm grill. He hadn't been there before and asked what I knew about Agritopia. I told him a quick history of the farm and restaurant. He made a snarky commerce along the lines of "must be nice to be rich." Oh boy. I just responded with its not always glamorous and happy. I left it at that. He asked if I was from Arizona, followed by my brief explanation that I was from dc but my family lives in new York now. And it went downhill from there. That began an hour long tangent by him about so many things and then he had to go. So basically the guy knows nothing about me and it was just weird.
Yup attraction killed by bad conversational skills.