Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Painting... what???

So apparently letting my hearts emotions flow on the internet flipped out a few family members... sorry i had to. But today began a new outlook after starting a new period of separation from the ex. This repetition of back and forth, together and apart is taking its toll on me.

My dear friend Alan came to my rescue today. As we talked through all of it he said to me when will you decide that enough is enough and you can't take anymore of this. Well today is enough. Its my turn, for me. My abandonment isues have grown from the broken promises this past year, and... enough.

I am exhausted.

So I am stepping away from it all. Removing as much responsibility to others as I can and taking time for me to move forward and be ok with just being with myself. I was finally honest with myself and saw what everyone else saw... the issues that lie in the areas that I want to ignore are too great.

I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Phil 4:13

First order of business was I got my haircut and looked so pretty! (see silly picture above). Crystal at Toni and Guy has been doing a great job on my hair this year and I actually love chatting with her. Took my cute self to the coffee shop for some yums and then followed Alan's advice and stayed out of the house! Headed out to change my gym membership back to Life Time (needed lots of good classes and more gym floor variety, as well as a break from the ex) and got a sick deal on it (yay ex-employee perks!)

So the painting thing...

I started painting. RANDOM I know. But I've always had this weird artsy side to me that I hide a lot. I haven't worked with acrylics on canvas is probably ten years so I'm stating slow. But let me tell you... painting to Miles Davis station on Pandora with a glass of red wine and the windows open.... gloooorious. I am addicted.

My first painting? a lime. i have no clue why.

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